Peninsula Air Services
There are 3 air services that operate across the Peninsula. They provide treatment to patients on-scene or take them to the hospital that best suits their needs, whether that is a Trauma Unit or to either Derriford Hospital or Bristol Children’s Hospitals specialist Trauma Centres.
Cornwall Air Ambulance

Cornwall Air Ambulance was the first Air Ambulance service in the UK and started flying back in 1987. They primarily cover the Duchy of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, however they also assist their Devon Colleagues when required. Please visit their website for more information.
Devon Air Ambulance
Devon Air Ambulance started flying in 1992 and now provides two helicopters flying daily. One Helicopter is based at Exeter Airport and the other in North Devon. Likewise the Devon Air Ambulance will assist their Cornish colleagues as needed. More information is available on their website
Bristows Search and Rescue
The national civilian Search and Rescue helicopter service contract was awarded to Bristows Group to operate on behalf of HM Coastguard from 2015 to 2026.
As part of this contract Bristow’s opened a new purpose built base at Newquay Airport on the 1st January 2016. This base like all of the 10 Search and Rescue bases are positioned close to Search and Rescue hotspots. There are two Sikorsky S-92 helicopters stationed there - one of which is always ready to fly. Visit their website for more information.